Jerry Pol

Jerry Pol

Event Emcee

Jerry has been a champion of Advokate for many years, serving the last three of those years as an active Board Member and now presiding as Chair of Adokate’s Board of Directors. Jerry spent a decade in the Real Estate, Development and Construction Industry, with an educational background in Business and Project Management. With Jerry’s passion for business, relationships, growth, strategic visioning, and driving value, Jerry is an entrepreneur with a number of family businesses. With a deep love for people, he remains an active part of the community through his service on various non-profit boards, conferences, committees, church youth groups, kids camps, Christian schools, and fundraising initiatives. Jerry was born and raised in South Surrey and now calls Langley home. He is a lover of life with a heart for children and youth, shown in his Personal Family Purpose of “Building up God’s Family, one life at a time”. He tackles life only with the strength God provides, and with his outstanding wife Shania at his side. Jerry is absolutely smitten with his 1-year-old daughter, Madison. He’ll tell you all about her! Becoming a Father to his precious daughter has reinforced how important it is for us all to do everything we can to protect unborn lives.

All Sessions by Jerry Pol